Contact Us

If you like to contact us to review your book, please read below.

If you would like to send us a review request or contact us for any other reason, please email us at

For Authors/Publishers/Publicists
Review Requests:
We are currently OPEN for review requests. If open, please follow the required steps below.

Please include the following in your request email:

  1. Your book’s summary and links to Goodreads.
  2. Your links (website/Twitter/etc.)
  3. A time range in which you would like it reviewed (one month, two months, etc.)

Review copies are prioritized by release date and/or deadlines.

Requests, most likely to be accepted are:
YA, NA and AD fiction books.
We’re willing to review indie/self-published books if they are in the genres that we generally read.
Formats we accept:
Published books
E-books (PDF or Kindle edition preferred, but any format is fine.)

Your request isn’t guaranteed to be accepted.